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Top SQL Interview Questions to Practice

Top SQL Interview Questions to Practice

  • 10 Mar 2024
  • 15 Jul 2024
  • Programming Languages

Any position in data analytics, management information systems, data, or software requires proficiency in SQL. It adds points to your resume if you excel at it. SQL is a must-have for numerous positions, so brush up on your skills if you want to ace those job interviews. Here is a rundown of the most popular questions for interviews from product and service-focused IT MNCs in 2024 to assist you in acing those interviews. Get ready for your SQL interviews as well as ace them! Now let’s check the top SQL Interview Questions to Practice:

How are DBMS & RDBMS different from one another? 

Software that allows users to create, find, update, as well as administer databases is known as a database management system (DBMS). As a bridge within the database as well as its users or application software, it checks that data is consistent, organized, and readily accessible. 

What is a database?

Databases allow for the digital storage, easy access, management, and retrieval of organized data from either a local or distant computer system. Built using a static design and modeling technique, databases can be enormous and complicated. File systems are suitable for storing smaller databases, whereas computer networks or cloud storage are better suited for hosting larger databases. 

What are the four categories of DBMS?

Database Structure: In terms of user-friendliness and database usage, it is unparalleled. There is a relationship between the values shown in the table's columns & rows. 

Database for Networks: Entities in this database category may have many connections because of the graph presentation that allows for relationships between several entities. 

Data Structure for Objects: This database structure stores data values and operations as objects, as these objects might have many associations amongst themselves. A relational database management system uses a set of tables to store information. The shared fields within these tables form the relations. Among the many RDBMS-based databases are MySQL, Oracle, IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, as well as Amazon Redshift. 

Database Structure: Hierarchy It stores information hierarchically and has a structure similar to a tree. While there may be several children of parents in a hierarchical database, there may only be one parent of a kid. 

What is SQL? 

Structured Query Language is what SQL stands for. It is the de facto language for relational database management systems. It is great for dealing with structured data in the form of entities or variables that have relations between them. Querying databases is what SQL is all about. Maintaining RDBMS and executing different tasks of data manipulation across various data types utilizing SQL characteristics are both attributed to SQL by ANSI. It is a database language used to create and erase databases. Among its many other uses, it can retrieve and edit table rows. Fourthly, describe normalization and the various forms it takes. By consistently arranging database columns and tables, normalisation helps to lessen data duplication and reliance. It entails building tables and establishing rules-based linkages among those tables. By following these guidelines, we may make normalisation more flexible by removing redundancy as well as inconsistent reliance. 

What is denormalization? 

By adding redundant data, normalization speeds up complex searches with several tables which have to be combined, which is the inverse of normalisation. 

Can you explain a DEFAULT constraint? 

You can limit the types of data that may travel into a table and establish rules for processing them using SQL's constraints. First, let's define a default constraint. In the absence of an explicit value, a default requirement specifies an arbitrary value for a given column that will be appended to any newly created entries. Take this table as an example: we can add a default requirement for the E_salary column and set it to 85000. Assuming no other value was supplied during insertion, all the entries in this row are going to have that initial value.

What are the many normalization methods?

1st Standard Form: First, The initial normal form of a relation is one in which each of the attributes is of type single-valued. It does not conform to the first typical form if it has any attributes that can take on multiple values. 

2nd Standard Form: In addition to satisfying the requirements for the first normal form, a relation is considered to be in the second type of normal if it lacks any partial dependency, meaning that it does not have any non-prime attributes that rely on any suitable subset of any column candidate key. A common approach to this issue is to designate a main key with only one column. 

3rd Standard Form: When both the requirements for the second normal form are satisfied, and no transitive dependency exists among the non-prime attributes—that is, when both the non-prime characteristics are determined solely by the relation's candidate keys rather than by other non-prime attributes—then the relation is in the third normal state.

4tg Standard Form:  For a relation to be in the Boyce-Codd normal form (BCNF), it must satisfy the third type of normal criterion and have a left-hand edge that is a super key for every function dependency. X must be a super key for each non-trivial functional connection in the form X ->; Y must be used for the relationship to be in BCNF. 

What is the usage of SQL? 

Below is a list of the most important SQL uses: 

  • Create scripts for data integration 

  • Executing analytical queries as well as their configuration 

  • Extracting data from a database in order to conduct transactions and run analytics.

  • Editing database columns and rows includes adding, updating, as well as removing data. 


So, did you check out the top SQL Interview Questions to Practice? If you want to know more, contact Code Belgium. Remember, these are the top questions that every student faces during their interviews. So, prepare the answers to every question thoroughly. 

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