coding bootcamp
A beginner's guide in the world of coding

A beginner's guide in the world of coding

  • 12 Feb 2024
  • 15 Jul 2024
  • Programming Languages

A Beginner’s guide in the world of coding


As technology advances, effortless access to data and a transformation in consumer behaviour, the need for coding has erupted over the years. What was used once as a language in game programming and in certain electronic devices, now gives shape to our way of living and operation in the contemporary world. Almost every device uses code. Machines, smart clocks and mobile devices use code for execution of instructions and deliverance of the desired output. We have focussed on the definition of coding in this blog, and how a beginner starts to learn comfortably and in their own time. Coding is considered as one of the most treasured skills that you can build.

What’s Coding?

Coding is referred to as the procedure of utilising programming languages for providing instructions to a device to yield an output. It acts as a medium for communication between humans and devices by a programing language. There are numerous languages of programming for learners, best to start with HTML and CSS before moving further to more complicated languages.

Why Coding?

Today, coding is the foundation for everything, be it websites or applications or other technologies used daily for interaction. Coding is a skill of high demand and enhances reaching solutions inclusive of creativity. There are countless jobs available which pay handsome wages. It depends what is on your mind, if you’re not interested in hard-core programming or software engineering, you may choose web development, business or data analysis. A trainers role may also be considered in cases of teaching.

For beginners, coding may be a bit hassling initially but every veteran was once novice and start with tiny steps. Once your basics are well placed, you will perform perfectly.

Coding aids in building professional skills

Along the journey, we have seen that coding opens doorways to a bounty of opportunities, not only restricted to tech but several industries as well. Coding is a skill empowering you towards creation, innovation and solution.

Coding allows room for creation

One of the best interesting benefits of learning coding is gaining the ability to bring new ideas to life. If you have a particular concept for a website, application or game, build it according to your convenience and share it across the globe. A simple task automation, that feels like magic at your fingertips.

Why learn?

It is a temptation to leap right in when starting to code. But without an aim or end goal, it may lead to frustration before getting to the fun part. Before beginning give a thought to the projects you aim to complete, what is exciting about this skill and resources at hand. Let us say that you aim to become a developer and support your family better. Are you ready to invest time in learning the right code and languages to depict that you have what it takes? Set a goal that will help you in building skills needed. Take small steps at first and set a deadline.

Which language first?

If you’re pondering on figuring out which language to begin with, give long-term goals a thought. Start with languages which do not use algorithms or data structures. HTML and CSS would be ideal for beginners, though Java and Python can be taken into consideration due to their large range of applications. It may take several months to learn a specific programming language, don’t make any hasty decisions ensue that during this phase time is well spent.

Online courses

As technology advances and the dawn of a new era, classroom training is a thing of the past. Nowadays, there are a multitude of digital programming courses to choose from. It covers everything from basic HTML to complex data structures. Courses build a framework for learning, that’s necessary as computer science concepts build over each other. A structure that is organised will keep everything digestible for you and will ensure a correct order of learning. You can also avail free courses as a beginner just to check things out.

Video tutorials

Of course, you have watched tutorials on YouTube – you can apply the same for coding. Online courses may be your best option for a more hands-on approach as online videos supply your learning and builds curiosity.

Books and e-books

For those of you that prefer old-school experiences, grab a book on your preferred beginner language. Books give an introduction to fundamental concepts and there are many well established texts that bare up for recommendation.

Utilization of tools

You don’t necessarily require special tools to write a code but there are some that may be of assistance.


Get familiar with your computer before you start coding, learn how to manage and navigate the console. The console is a text-based interface that lets you locate files and is vital for command execution in a more swift and prompt manner.

Code Editor

Features are included in text-editors that make coding easier such as, find and replace and colour coding. Most professional extensively use code editor, this tool helps you in writing a clean code efficiently. The extra features of syntax highlighting and lookup helps in editing and managing codes.

Project Management

Most projects begin simple and gets more complex as it carries on. Project Management tools can be used for file sharing and timeline updates and makes it easier for tracking.

Advantages of coding projects

Above practising concepts, numerous benefits are offered to learning by projects. They ensure that you are motivated and help in setting milestones regarding your progress. A skill is added under your belt as you complete a project. Long-term coding projects provide a showcase for your work. Adding Python to your resume means one thing and stating that you built an application or website from scratch is another. When taking a journey on a project that is long-term consider what you are ready to invest time in. Freelancing is another fine example of remaining engaged in coding. Professional programing expertise is not needed in building a specific tool. Connect with close ones, family or locally to cater to their needs of a website or application.


HTML and CSS are programming languages very simple to learn, mainly since they do not need thinking through computational logic of languages. Studying HTML and CSS feels les abstract compared to other languages as you can view results quickly. It is very simple, create a.html file then open it via your browser. Using the inspect tool can give you a peek into the underlying code.


Coding is a necessary skill which pays off despite the field you get involved in. This skill will definitely take you ahead in your career whether you learn it to upskill, switch professions or excel at work. It defies you to think better and solve problems as well as elevating your creativity. Various platforms are available for you to learn coding either free or at a very minimal cost. Now is the best time to start learning if you are interested in coding.

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